
In my eclectic academic and professional background one career is looming above all others – Database administration and IT technologist. There was a point in life when being stuck behind the screen for extended periods of time became something I wanted to escape. I took my time to see the world, try different things and adventure in the mountains. We grow and change and world around us changes too. Hal Varian, the chief economist at Google, is known to have said, “The sexy job in the next years will be statisticians. Data analytics has allured me over the last years, I have dabbled with it at my work and also as a hobby. Modern world has been oversaturated with data and information. The data analytical skills have become a necessity to be able to make sense out of the digital entropy and parse useful signal out of all the noise.

I have some data analytics projects that I am working on just for fun, out of curiosity. I also find it to be a great way to sharpen the sword and keep myself relevant in our dynamic world.

Kaggle notebook – Population changes in West Bank settlements

Little project utilizing various Python libraries (numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, etc) for data exploration, cleaning, analytics and visualization.